Recovering Well

First of all - a little Saturday treat for all of you. A small video of Gollum saying good morning to Hero. So so so cute. Click here!

It's about 10 days since my dad's Hip replacement operation and he is recovering really well. The boys and I went to see him today. We brought salat for lunch and to make sure it wasn't too healthy, we brought some Christmas sweets too :-D

Before seeing my dad, the boys and I went for a walk along the canal and when we left my dad's, we went for another walk in the area, where he lives.

A good day in Næstved indeed.

I came home and sorted some house work - vacuuming and the washing. Soon I'll sit down and watch some Netflix.

Gollum's dad is competing at the Nordic Obedience Championships in Finland this weekend and he has been doing really well today. Fingers crossed that his success will continue tomorrow.

The extra picture is of my dad and Gollum. Not the best quality, but a wonderful, happy shot <3

Happy weekend
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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