My New Best Friend

His Lordship and I had a wee adventure today.
We had hired a car club car to bring home the Christmas booze amongst other delights and thought to use it to visit the Scottish Parliament to see an exhibition which featured our niece's woven Celtic Knot and to photograph it for her as she wouldn't managed down from Fort William, where she is a weaver, to see it herself.

As we queued in a long line of foreign students having to undergo a rigorous security check very like that of an airport, we were wondering whether we had made the right decision to make the detour.
It got more dubious when the assistant we asked said there were no public exhibitions on display. However she was kind enough to phone around and discovered that the exhibition was a private one for MSPs. Since we were related to an exhibitor she managed to get us visitor status and a guide to take us through the private parts of the building to see the huge, intricate and beautiful Celtic Knot.*
 The organiser of the exhibition also knew of HL and his architect brother- small world indeed.

As we looked and blipped, His Lordship spotted the Tory MSP Ruth Davidson. He tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if she would say hello to a fan. Not only did she do that, she also agreed to a selfie.

So there you have it a 3 in 1- a tour of the non public space of the Parliament building, a look at a beautiful work of art, and a chance to congratulate my Edinburgh Central MSP. My cup runneth over!

*Extra images

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