What happens, if dracons overdo...

... than the fireworkers have to run.
In German is a word: "Wer rennt, wenn's brennt?" 
(Who runs when it burns?)
It means that the volunteer fire workers always run immediately when there is an emergency.
My elderst son is one of these brave guys and I made this Birthday blip especially for him. 
M., I hope that you will return always save and healthy from your missions! Take care :-D

I woke up with a terrible headache.  I managed to get T. on her bus to school. I indulged myself in some extra hours of sleep and some pills and so I started with my daily duties late but in a better state.
And , surprise, now  I'm short of time.... 

I tagged this to Tiny Tuesday, even if it in not a typical macro, but there are tiny people involved :-D

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