Double vision

Thankfully not one of my symptoms, but a cool function my new camera's got - a double exposure option.  

I spent pretty much the whole day in bed today - although did stagger the couple of steps to the window to take this shot.  Tim checked on me regularly and brought me lemsips, soup, love, etc :)

I accidentally signed up for a free trial of Amazon Prime recently - now rather glad I did, as I watched a couple of episodes of The Man in the High Castle, and then several of The Walking Dead (appropriate!), which passed the time nicely.  Also had a little nap in the afternoon - and made a special entrance in the living room at 8pm for the final episode of Planet Earth II.  I nearly cried at the end - it's just such a beautiful programme, I love dear old David Attenborough, and I don't want it or him to ever end!

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