I'm forever blowing bubbles #MonoMonday

Doris Day

I had a pleasant, cruisy morning, taking Little Miss to school and then having a leisurely breakfast, before pootling off to my naturopath appointment.

Then home to hang out two loads of washing and to empty the dishwasher.

Of course, all of this was procrastination, putting off the time when I'd have to do some school work. However, I did do some work, planning my lessons for the first couple of weeks of next year, as well as a little professional reading for my new role.

Tomorrow, I'll just do some reading and then my school stuff will go away until the end of January, when the madness starts again. I'll be taking some reading camping with me, so won't completely stop working, but it's reading that I want to do, so it's not quite the same.

I took this shot of a little fly on a dead branch. I loved its little bubble. I'm not sure what causes it or what it's for, but I was chuffed to catch it in action.

I've just found out that the theme for MM is 'Explore'. The best I can do for that is that I was exploring the dingy corners of my back garden to find this shot!

Night all.


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