tree 22; farewell tree

For almost two years now, I’ve taken a photograph of this tree at regular intervals.  I began on 18th February 2015, missed March 2015 because we were in Australia and then continued at roughly the same time each month - the middle Wednesday.  Last month was an exception; I blipped early to catch the Autumn foliage - probably my favourite image.

I’ve learned a lot about the tree and myself as I’ve climbed the hill/slope to where it stands.  I didn’t know when I started that it’s a Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), planted some 200 years ago in the grounds of a long gone estate.  What stories it could tell.  The extra shows a view from behind the tree - how did it get to look like this?  Coppicing perhaps.

I didn’t know that I would persevere or be so single-minded.  Or that the walk up to the tree - some half mile or so - would be an accurate barometer of my physical state.  Some good days, others not so and a few that would require a stop or two enroute.  

But now, having stood in this particular spot throughout the seasons, I’ve decided there is no more to say.  Time for a new project; perhaps a tree, perhaps not.  Something will catch my eye.  That’s what blip does.

Farewell tree and thanks for all the blips.  I hope you'll still be here in another 200 years.  And that people will still look and wonder.

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