Fishy Faces

Not perhaps what you would expect from Waddesdon manor, but this is a scene from the current Christmas Decorations in the bathroom representing the element of Water.  I spent the morning giving out stickers of gingerbread men to children (of all ages) - there were many visitors of the 'little people' variety today - it being the first day when all schools are on holiday and parents have organised an outing.  Many groups of grandparents, parents and children - which is lovely, but it does meant most of our time in the rooms is giving a child a sticker for spotting a gingerbread man on a tree; it keeps them amused.

Just for a change, in the afternoon I met up with a friend and took her on a tour of Waddesdon - stables, House and grounds.  

Now I have spent far too long sitting at the laptop and need to do something else!

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