Capital adventures

By marchmont

Set up

Set up seems to have taken a lot longer this year.  A full day yesterday and a full day today.  I took on the 'branding' and that took ages, partly because I couldn't find anything.  There is so much 'stuff.  I think I upset T when I told them that the prezzies had to be moved.  Not having the Hub right next door is giving us issues, that and the fact that generosity does gives a bit of a headache.  

However, by 5 everything was ready and good to go.  I missed lunch but I wasn't hungry.

I'd picked up the last parcel this morning and dropped it off at the flat, then made sure all was ok at the Manor before home to set recording on the TV, and watch Shirley Bassey - what a Dame.

Early start tomorrow - 6 o'clock.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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