Head of the family

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Oh dear, oh blimey, Elgar! You look such a fright! Yes it's not bothering you. You're still top blackbird no matter what you look like... He's going through an entire head moult, it looks so uncomfortable for him, but he's hardly scratching it...!

As for Larry... well, no, he hid, so it's his son instead:

Brave new Ollie

It's 3 months exactly to this date since I lost my mum. It feels so much longer tthen that, as I remember every single day since, every single day without her. Least I can still think of her without crying so much, but that doesn't work so well when I remember the feel of her, the touch of her, because then it all floods back & every night before I sleep, I ask her to hold my hand & I think she does. xxxx

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