Art darter

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I think I've got lazy... seeing this beautiful common darter land on this reed today, I wished I had brought my macro lens too... but it's just so heavy to carry around everywhere & knowing my luck by the time I've changed lenses, the thing would have flown anyway!!!! Anyhow, this isn't too bad... considering it was extremely windy! Plus it was taken in superb wonderful company & just to share that moment together while we took our respective photographs was the best, to have someone standing beside me observing this beautiful insect made my day... my friend made my day several times in fact :)

As for Larry:

Better days

Last night was my first trip out with my brand new bat detecter which I purchased at the Bird Fair - always wanted one & right on cue, at the exact number of 45 kHZ I heard my first ever Common Pipistelle bat properly... the way nature intended if I were a bat! It was the most breathtaking experience... I'll never be without that device now in the Spring/Summer months - as bats do hibernate! :) xxx

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