Skeletons In the Closet?

Vacation rentals will sometimes have a locked closet where cleaning supplies are kept. Locked because they're messy, or simply because people on vacation, or holiday, shouldn't have to think too much about cleaning at all!

For anyone who has ever stayed that the Cottage and wondered what's behind that door, I give you my skeletons in the closet. Skeletons because each item is something special from my past, but it gives me a smile or encouragement in the present. At the end of the cleaning closet, we find, "Annie's corner" complete with an adorably painted patchwork bench that matches the quilt perfectly as well as a cute little chair that does too.

The quilt was made by a group of wonderful ladies who add meaning to each others lives as well as the lives of people visiting medical offices, by making these lovely quilts which I happened to win in drawing. Two of the special ladies who were once in the group have now passed away, making this quilt extra special to me.

The little basket and dog were part of my apt. when I lived on my own years ago. The book is filled with adorable poetry readings for two voices that Mr. Contraptioneer and I love to read together....I will share one with you at another time. The painted sign is from Norway and was a gift from a friend who traveled there to visit her heritage. I will report on what it says at another time too.

The plaque "Quality", was a gift from my uncle before he sold his home and moved away. It had hung in his office and is now an inspiration to me as it was to him:

"Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

While this is quite true, I must say that much of the quality in my life has come from honest and vulnerable prayer, spoken at times when I felt completely alone, afraid and impossibly clueless about how to get my act together. Therefore, I'd have to say that the quality in my life was not an accident, but was the result of God's high intentions for my life and His sincere effort to get me to wake up to choosing His intelligent direction and being empowered for skillful execution of His awesome instructions. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives....each day choosing to say 'yes' instead of saying 'no' to the wisdom He provides.

My skeletons are the brokenness I've left behind in favor of loving Him and the beautiful people He has given me to love. The Cottage seems to simply be the fruit of those labors, and it tastes so good. I may be the only vacation home owner who loves to visit the cleaning closet.

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