I, recently, announced ...

1. I am male.
2. I am 74 (and a bit)
3. I can not be pregnant.
4. I must stop eating for two.

It took me a day or three before I realised what I was doing. 
Because there were two of us things were, logically, bought in multiples of two. We, also, indulged in the occasional well-known "Feed two for a Tenner" offer by "Marcus & Spencius"  (Remember "Carry on Cleo"). This is one such.
Very quickly the light dawned that I had unwittingly cooked both of something else. AND eaten them. 
Two courses open to me; dependent upon packaging...
1. Cook all & freeze 1/2.
2. As seen here 1/2 pack & only thaw one.
Or, as an ancient Chemistry Master used to say:-
"Q.E.D" which he translated as "Question Easily Done".

P.S. Why buy Garlic when your own is this good?

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