
By SecondSeason

Change is in the air

I know I'm not alone when I say that this in between time after Christmas and the approach of a New Year is often a time for reflection.  Thinking about the year that is near it's end and the memories holding both the good and bad, happy and sad, exultant and devastating, melancholic and euphoric...and...well...insert your own here. :)  For the first time in many years I don't have the same urgency of 'I can't wait to get out of this year and move into the next' that I've had for many previous years.  I'm not feeling the same need to hunker down with my deepest self and regurgitate what I cannot change...mourning the losses of what wasn't.  Instead gratefully reflecting on what was and the good rising well above the not so good.  It isn't that it was a superb year, as I battled numerous health issues and other disappointments, but that in spite of it all, I can still say thank you to 2016 for all you've taught me.
As you can see, the gift of this little cinema lightbox, has become an interesting and thought provoking tool for me to continue to search for what lies beneath the surface.  I'm sensing that I'm at a creative crossroads.  Letting go of what's been comfortable and comforting, to move and continue to venture on into areas not yet explored by this creative.  I am excited about the turning over of this year and am enthused about the head start I feel like I already have in my creative path!

So here's to the end and bringing closure and the anticipation of all and so much more.  Happy almost New Year peeps!

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