New Year's Day - New Year's Word

For last year's words
  belong to last year's language
And next year's words
  await another voice,
And to make an end is

  to make a beginning.

- T.S. Eliot

Dear Diary,

I am a great follower of the teachings of Lao Tzu, the Taoist master.  I was introduce to Taoism on a trip to China in 2002 when I got to spend some time in a Taoist monastery.  One of his quotations inspired my choice of the word I will focus on this year:

I have just three things to teach: Simplicity, Patience and Compassion.  These three are your greatest treasures.

I have tried to live a simple life as the years have gone by and I do think I am a compassionate person but I believe I could spend time working on patience.  So, this year I will explore the many dimensions of patience as I try to let the new reality which this country finds itself in work itself out.  Patience doesn't mean passivity though so I will actively engage in every way I can.  It is a balance I hope to achieve.  I will try to find more patience with myself too and in the words of St Benedict, Everyday we begin again.

This morning, after a surprise overnight snowfall, I saw something delightful in Auntie's tree when I went out to feed the birds. (My first extra photograph of the New Year!)   A clump of snow had settle into a heart and I felt overcome with emotion.  Auntie touches me in so many ways and it was like getting an early Valentine from her,  one of the most important people in my life...a real gift on this cold morning and a great way to begin the New Year.

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