Cheeky gallery photo

Mr A thinks that the busies in cheap suits will be round as soon as I post this on the interwebs, on the grounds that photographs were not permitted in the gallery. Well I don't care. I'm doing it anyway.

We took a trip to the Dean Gallery to see the Joan Eardley exhibition. I love that woman's work. How sad that she died so young, at only just over 40, when she was just breaking through as an artist. Anyway, we've bought the book of the exhibition so we can enjoy that at our leisure. We met up with L and G, and enjoyed the exhibition and a leisurely lunch in the Dean Gallery cafe (Modern Art Two, don't you know) afterwards. However, the cafe appeared to be short staffed, and there were evident tensions involving those staff that were there.

Apart from an earlier trip to John Lewis to return some unwanted sale purchases for the young man who is now back in Singapore, that was it for activities out in the chilly clear weather. But we've been busy since we got back sorting out a few domestic bits and pieces, and we've planned an expedition for tomorrow morning to sort out some more.

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