Day 7: The Pinks

2years 304days

We started the day with a swim. Katie did her swimming widths again, as well as lots of galloping round like a horsey in the shallow end for some random reason! I took her home for a snack and she promptly fell asleep for 90 minutes. I had to wake her in fact, as I got a message to say our guests had arrived- SuzyPink, MasterPink and MissPink all came to visit us! And boy did we have fun.

We had a bit of lunch together, and the children explored the caravan before they collectively decided that what they really wanted to do was go swimming. Katie included. She had such a brilliant time. You'd have thought they had known each other for ages. Her and Miss Pink were a wonderful little pair and Master Pink was great at joining them too, and coming to play with me when the girls were being little and splashy. He loved the slide, they loved splashing together in the "waterfall" and the shallow end.

We took them home for a bit of quiet time and a bit more to eat (a very random selection of meals they ate in the end, after much swapsies of items that ordinarily each would love!) before we took them out to the evening fun. The children loved waving light sticks and dancing at the table to the fun of the DJ Ned show. They queued to have their photos taken with Ned, but katie refused, the photographer failed to get the shot (but I got one thankfully!) and it was all an amusing bit of chaos! They enjoyed the show that followed for a while, before all leaving on the promise of candy floss. Which to my disappointment, Katie made good progress with, although she did voluntarily offer me several bits. She flopped very quickly when she got to bed!

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