
By CleanSteve

Inverary at dusk

I'm going to write my journal later as I just want to test this internet connection from beside Loch Etive in Argyll.

This was when we stopped for a blip break at Inverary on Loch Fyne, before the last forty miles on to near Oban. I delayed the stop, but the light was fading fast, and the light drizzle was petering out.

I saw these girls at the end of the small pier, waiting till their friend had finished her fishing. I was reminded of Gregory's girl and Local Hero. Woodpeckers has posted another view of a puffer moored at the small harbour.

We arrived at Helena's mum's house on the shore of Loch Etive about an hour later at 9-30pm. I was very knackered after the twelve hour drive. Food followed by a very long sleep ended the day.

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