Watching Skiing

As you may know, me and mum love cross-country skiing. Not actually going skiing, but watching it on daytime TV. I usually snooze a lot, right next to mum. Well positioned for small pieces of food. Coming my way. It MAY look to you as if I am sleeping, but the smallest whiff of anything edible and I am on Full Alert.

This week is Tour de Ski, which means races nearly every day. Yay! On Sunday, they will ski uphill a slalom course to finish everything. We are watching with Dolly and her mum in England, having lots of fun. And fika.

I met my friend Nellie the white poodle today, going for a short walk. It was nice, it's been a long time. Nearly all dogs in the neighbourhood are now wearing their winter coats. Nellie's is red. Mine is black.

Mum says I look scruffy in this picture, in need of all sorts of grooming. A bit unfair. Do I take pictures of her sleeping and post them on Blipfoto?

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