
I'm not one for mono but the light was so flat today, I actually think mono improves this blip by emphasising the contrasts.

I visited the Scout Winter Camp at Gilwell Park for the day rather than staying all weekend. Having just had 8 days in Scotland away from the family I wanted to spend this evening with them. I'm so glad I made that decision as the scout site was a mud bath in the drizzle and camping was an unappealing option.

Sadly, and rather unusually, the activities were not open to adults so I busied myself by taking lots of photos of the scouts enjoying various fun things from abseiling to zip lining via bracelet making, quad biking and whittling; and posted them on the district fb page. I was pleased with some of the photos as they were difficult to take action shots and portraits: not my strength at all. I decided however that posting a side view of a scout in mono was more appropriate on Blip than the face-on portraits.

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