Friday - Fish :)

I was still grumpy in the morning! And so was Neil! I decided to go back to bed until he was gone and then got up to rush into my 9 am call.

Things seem to be under control and the implementation seems to go ok so far. Although I wanted to get out and get fish for supper before my 3 pm call, but did not make it in the end and only got out just before 5 pm.
Early enough for my fish, but I had to realise that Marc the Fishmonger was still on holiday! I had to actually change fishmonger or skip my supper plans. Since fish is something we do not have in Berlin (too expensive) I decided to check out another shop on Great Western road. Here people were queuing onto the street! Well - its a very small shop, it does not take many to build a queue on the street. I came out with a lovely sea bass (for me) and a good piece of salmon for Neil. We had texted over the day and both our grumpiness was forgotten. We never sulk long, actually. Life's too short! I got some lemon at the grocery shop along the road and then went the long way back home. There I finished my weekly reports and sent them out.
That was me done for the weekend.
Neil was not overly late and we had our fish. The sea bass was gorgeous. Marc has always everything filleted and I have to pre-order when I want a whole fish. So maybe the other guy will get some occasional business in future.

The Blip is Gasgow Subway station St. George's Cross on my way home going the long route.

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