
finally able to check out the stunning Lucian Freud exhibit at the Modern. i felt such an affinity with his work which doesn't make a lot of sense, i know. but i felt, on a strictly personal level, like i truly comprehended his style (this is difficult to articulate) and that there was this deep connection, both to his varied subjects and to the artist himself (or at least it's perceived that way outwardly, shallowly, and that, in this case, may have to be good enough). i learned something too about portraits and portraiture and the lines and crevices and fleshy brushstrokes of our secrets. (and bonus points for pretty much having the entire exhibit to ourselves!). Leah and I had lunch with mom at the Modern too--she's still in town for a few days. experiencing a meal there, at the museum (Fort Worth's best view, I would argue), was a nice way to round out the day trip.

then a wonderful evening at the department chair's house; got a ride with Rachel and Tiger. I had some drinks and learned more about some of the professors I hadn't really met before. and they learned more about me. and it all felt so nice there in that house, a museum in it's own right, with it's dazzlingly sculpture at every turn, shelves of books, LPs, modern-lined furniture.

enveloped, warm.

"I have always imagined Paradise as a kind of library." -JLB.

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