Just playing...

...I was tired when I got in and sat on the day bed with the radiator on and a cat in my lap.

I had some children's brush pens...only cheap ones and some cheap cartridge paper. So I messed and doodled. I drew/shaded in with the children's brush pens. I had a brush pen filled with water and I spread the colour or took colour out. I did loads of little thumbnail sketches, and this one which is about 6 inches by 4 inches (don't tell me to think in metric, I am of the older generation...). I fell asleep as I was doing it! Then I woke up and finished it.

With this one, after I had finished it, I drew the detail/outline with a fine Edding pen.

Probably the tiny thumbnail sketches were better than this one, but this is the one I have chosen to post for my pic a day for 2017.

I was using some text in an app to put my name on the pic, but I noticed yesterday that the app I used took away the phone camera specifications. So trying a different app today for my name to see if the phone camera specifications remain. I won't know until I post.

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