Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Nope, still not a hummer

Today is one of those days where I am picking not the technically best picture, but instead the one that captured a moment for me. I was pottering around outside today when I heard some odd noises coming from the suet feeder. Big Daddy in hand, I took a look and this is what I saw. It is Daddy DWP fending off either his mate or his female offspring - I think the latter. In the non-breeding season, the males will feed before the females and will even chase the females away until they are done eating. This is the same Daddy who tenderly fed his fledgling several months ago...what a difference a few months makes! Anyway, the two of them bickered a bit, and finally the female sat patiently aside as he ate.

Last year on this day, I blipped an extreme close up of a back yard predator and also one of my better bug macros. Haven't seen many of these big hornets around this year (thank goodness!)

Other things I saw today...

Yellow collared scape moth (a new sighting for me that invovled all sorts of googling!

What I think is a Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar (and one which can cause a nasty rash if you touch it - thanks to Vodkaman for the heads-up about this!

A hummer in the violets

A tufted titmouse in the cherry tree and...

An irrepressible chickadee

Worked outside for several hours until everything on my body started to feel old. Planning some steamed mussels for dinner tonight with a nice salad from the local farm. And, I think a nice savignon blanc to accompany it...

Thank you so much for the many comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's vulture! Frankly, I didn't expect such a response as vultures are not usually regarded as "cool" birds. And I certainly never expected him/her to make the Spotlight Page - that was a complete surprise. So thank you!

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