Tired Fella

We met up with our daughter and granddaughter for coffee this morning - at Monk’s Cross in York. Then we had a wander round the shops. Well, at least the ladies wandered with a purpose - shopping. I just pushed the pushchair, after all it is not Christmas and there are no birthdays coming up so I have no need of such trivial activities - apart from food purchase!

After lunch we left them and headed off to the hospital - Mrs madwill had an appointment there. Well, I was beginning to feel my cold was ending - but after sitting in the overheated, stuffy waiting areas with dozens of coughing / sniffing people (not related to the clinic we were attending) I fully expect a new cold in the next few days.

It was dark when we got back - and no blip, apart from a completely rubbish shot of the postman in his summer uniform which I had grabbed through the dirty windscreen as we set off…(see extra). A quickish (45min) walk out with Finlay and when we got back he just crashed on the floor - couldn’t even be bothered to climb on his sofa. So he is the blip subject today.

Off to make our tea now…

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