when I stepped out of bed the sky was blue. Later I walked in the garden looking for a pretty moment to capture nobody was there and the clouds came over the mountain from the west. Just when I reflected upon what to do I saw this tiny caterpillar upon a rose bud. First she was stretched but a moment later she rolled up and then she lifted her head. And this shows my blipfoto.
The rest of the morning it rained and cleared up again and when Piet Hein and I started for our walk in the afternoon a soft rain stopped us for some time. We stood outside, waiting, and round the corner came the little red squirrel who uses our drive the last days for trespassing towards her search for food, she stopped immediately, turned around, disappeared but one moment later she run past us down the slope.
We walked and it stayed mostly dry and we went a bit through the forest, a bit along the river.
Back home and it starts raining with much noise!

My haiku:

She sits dry under
The high balcony hidden
Awaiting the sun

And the proverb from the New Testament, Matthew:

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

I found in my bookcase the Geflügelte Worte by Georg Büchmann and in this book all the quotes from all the literatures of the world are summed up and indicated where they can be found and who used and alterated these later and other information is given too. I think it interesting, would not have found in former times the patience to read in it, I think.

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