Tiny smile

Little Miss tolerates my photography addiction with good grace. As she sits, stands or lies anywhere, there is a chance that I'll ask her to stay there while I change lenses and take a bunch of shots.

So, this is a tenuous Tiny Tuesday shot. Her tiny smile as she is fully aware that I am there but is awaiting instructions as to which pose I wanted her to strike. This time, it was the one she was already striking, so it was easy for her! 

It's been a scorcher of a day. We played football in the garden for half an hour until the heat got the better of us and we retreated to the house for some aircon and icy poles. As my dear friend, UW, would say, today was most definitely a wet sheet day (one where I was happy to be hanging out our bedding, as it kept me cool!)

Off to make homemade pizza and to feed the pooch now.

Night all.


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