Flowers at Judy's

First singing lesson for a month today. The voice itself isn't too bad but the breathing muscles need quite a bit of work to get going.

This beautiful bouquet of colour coordinated flowers is standing in the corner of Judy's dim hall, begging for a photo. I wanted to include the corner of the gilt framed mirror in which some of the flowers were reflected but was not too sure about the grandmother clock.

Another lady was there finishing off her lesson. We all sat down to coffee. The lady brought in her dog Ozzie from her car. Ozzie and Basil hit it off very well and scampered around after each other. We put them both out in the garden to let off a bit of steam.

After singing, to Sue's for a chat, and then home on this most dreary of days. I've actually started putting thought to what to take with me to Scotland next week.

This retirement lark is getting a bit dull but I'm mindful of the need to take things more easy than I used to.

The one notable thing about today was how much better both I and my knee felt after I tucked a narrow pillow underneath it overnight. I think it had been prone to cramp if I laid flat and it was tender if I lay on my side. But today, I was able to get out of bed without noticeable stiffness and I definitely felt more rested.

Round 1 of the camera club's league competition tonight. I'm putting in three prints for the category section, Landscapes/Seascapes, and three dpis for the totally What You Like section.

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