
By Missycat

TinyTuesday86 Best I can manage...

Today has been quite busy on several fronts: poor little Violet, who  has pharyngitis, was with me again today as she still isn't up to nursery.   She has had so many sore throat episodes that apparently the doctor will be willing to refer her when she is 3 in June. 
 Before she woke this morning, I managed to complete my work of the paid variety, at least as far as the payroll is concerned.  This month marks our business's staging date for Auto Enrolment ( a further burden and level of compliance for SMEs in the UK), so I've yet to see whether all has gone smoothly with that!  As I've said before, I had hoped that our business would be sold and that I would be enjoying retirement by now , but here I am still!   I have made the decision though, that I shall retire by my next birthday(June) whether or not we have sold.

I also found a brief moment to dash out to the garden and take hasty shots of the not quite frosty lawn.  My hastiness shows in the not very sharp image but today it was the best that I could manage.

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