Whale Meet Again!

On the third Thursday of the month, from October to April, the Argyll & Lochaber Group of the Scottish Wildlife Trust holds an evening lecture, which as Programme Secretary is my job to arrange. Tonight our speaker is Pippa Garrard, of the Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust and her subject will be . . . 'Whales & Dolphins of the Hebrides'.

We hold our indoor meetings at 7.30pm at SAMS, the Scottish Association for Marine Science, otherwise known as the Marine Lab., at Dunstaffnage, just north of Oban. A partner of the UHI, the University of the Highlands and Islands, it's operated from this interesting 1960s building which sits not far away from a more venerable structure, Dunstaffnage Castle, which was built before 1240 and captured by Robert the Bruce in 1308.

Here's the modern building, seen across the water from Dunstaffnage marina.

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