Something going on at the Royal Courts of Justice

On my third visit to the Royal Courts of Justice I joined the ranks of the reporters, TV and Radio crews gathered around the entrance to report on a ruling of some significance although I can't find anything immediately in the lists to suggest who it might be and there was nothing in the news last night to suggest otherwise. It could have been some poor citizen being exiled for having the audacity to think independently. I should have asked.

My work in the Justice system is coming to an end just when it feels like we're getting somewhere. All the work my colleague and I did on creating a learning environment for young people has now been adopted for the adult estate. There will be a lasting legacy of our activities which gives us both a pleasant sense of satisfaction but also a sense of regret as there is so much still to be done.

Meanwhile the weather in the South East continues to be lovely. Several days of cold, clear sunshine which seems to be confined to our part of the country. Good for the allotment as it kills bugs and promotes garlic to divide and good for fruit trees as it forces a period of dormacy which helps yields (or so I'm told). It looks as if this weather is set to continue over the weekend into next week.

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