Puppy Training

Puppy training was a lot less stressful tonight than it was last week. I'd read the Little Misses the riot act explaining they had to do a lot less whinging and crying and a lot more listening and doing what they were told! They were brilliant!!
Archie was a lot less hideous and it was nowhere near as cold.
On the way out one of the other owners complimented the Little Misses to me - saying they were so well behaved and so good with Archie. It made me so proud of them and they both got big thank you hugs. A bit different from last week!!
It was another busy Thursday today: French, swimming and puppy training.
At 12.45 I got to Mrs S's house for French. She made tea and we had a bit of a chat before the others arrived. At 1pm we sat down to start, after about ten minutes of chatting we eventually got down to going over regular verbs again to refresh our memories - we've had no lessons since June!!
We had literally just read the heading when my phone rang and my heart sank to see it was Miss E's school. It's never going to be good news!!
She was in with the nurse feeling sick and could I go and get her?
I went to get her and found her looking a bit peaky and sorry for herself. She went off to bed for a lie down but thankfully wasn't sick.
She came down after a couple of hours having perked right up. She wanted malt loaf (uuughhhh!!) and to watch telly. I drew the line at letting her roller skate around the house saying if she was well enough to roller-skate she was well enough to be at school.
I had presumed we'd miss swimming and puppy training but she seemed OK so we had the usual rush of going to get Miss L and getting to swimming. Then there was a nice lull - half an hour chatting to Mrs A - before dashing home to get Archie and get to puppy training.
We made it in better time this week. I was much more organised!! I made sure Miss L put on warm clothes after swimming, they had sausages to eat in the car and I'd left Archie's lead, poo bags and treats by the front door ready to grab along with Archie!!
Go me!!
The Little Misses went a bit mental when we got home. Obviously the strain of being good for the past two hours!! I let Mr K deal with them while I cooked dinner - yummy salmon, asparagus and potatoes.
The craziness went up a notch when Mr K said he wouldn't read Harry Potter to them as they wouldn't calm down, get into bed and listen. Then there was much shrieking and hysteria and begging for one more chance....... Uughhhh!!!!
We held firm and ignored the wailing while we ate our delicious dinner.
That'll learn 'em!!!!

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