But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Dead Narcissi.

Friday is always difficult, today doubly so. Having done the weekly shop for two families (Mrs Merlin does count as a family), I had the auditor round this evening in preparation for the bee keeping club’s AGM next week; he was, actually, part of a deputation since we have some insurance issues to sort out. As keepers of wild animals, we feel that we should be properly covered, and that involves doing nauseating things like risk assessments. There are recommendations that we should have first-aid kits at our apiaries, though why, is beyond me. I carry Epi-pens and anti-histamines with me as I am allergic to bee venom but, the law does not allow me to “prescribe” medicines to third parties. If I see someone dying of anaphylactic shock, I have to leave them to it other than putting them in the recovery position and calling an ambulance.
Anyway, my Blipping time was short today and I was horrified to find that, even after four years of marriage to a Blipper, Mrs TD does not yet understand that dead narcissi are ideal subjects for Flower Friday and had dead-headed my selected specimens. An hour ago they were standing, dead, but proudly erect. I had to retrieve them from the compost – they make a sorry picture
Thanks are due to Biker Bear for hosting this week; as she does, with enthusiasm, every week.

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