An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

An Ordinary Photograph...


For an extraordinary day.

As ever, the problem with backblipping, is trying to recall the minutiae of the day that generally makes up the drivel content of my blips, and this blip is no exception.  Apart from one thing.  A big thing.  

Having told me in December and his boss when he returned to work after the New Year, David was finally able to tell his team at work today that he is taking early retirement and his last working day will be 31st March.

Their reactions were similar to mine.  Stunned silence followed by tears.  My tears were of joy but theirs were of sadness.  He is a good boss and like all good bosses, he doesn't realise how highly thought of he is!

He then put an announcement on the internal blog and as the news filtered through the rest of the organisation (it's just small, only 20 or so employees) he was completely taken aback by the genuine expressions of sadness at him leaving that followed the congratulations.

I was totally gobsmacked when he told me last month but the situation with Alan's op had brought home how fragile Alan is and how we don't know what lies ahead.  We know his CP means he has a reduced life expectancy but have never been so close to losing him as we were in December and it has totally changed David's view of life and how he wants to spend the next few years.

I am over the moon because I can see how hard he works and how difficult it is when he's needed at home and at work and he's getting pulled in two directions because he feels deep commitment to both work and Alan.  He is permanently exhausted and feels neither side is getting the attention it needs and deserves.   When he told me, I saw the weight visibly lift from his shoulders.

He has an amazing boss and she has been wonderful through all of his time off both recently and all the other times in the past.   She is also sorry to lose him but completely understands.   

So he has until the end of March to complete projects and tie up the loose ends then he tells me it's golf family time.  

I can't wait!  :-)))

This shot taken from the door into the pool room looking towards the kitchen is one of only three photos I took on my phone today.  Another one for the building work progress log :)   

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