New Wheel

A pretty rubbish day during which I seemed to achieve very little!

I spent a couple of hours at Mrs madwill's studio building the flat pack furniture we collected on Thursday.

Home and out for a walk with Finlay where we came across this trailer sporting a new wheel - I blipped it a while ago (over two months) for Derelict Sunday and it hasn't moved until this week,

Back home and uploaded my photos and set off my backup - only to discover that the utility thought that my entire library needed backing up - not just the new photos. Took me a while to spot that all the files had a one hour time difference - so I checked my second backup copy and that was the same. So my two backup were identical but all the files on my laptop had time shifted somehow. So I spent the rest of the day (apart from doing a load of washing) trying to work out why. I still have no idea but finished up having to backup the entire library - twice - so they now match!

So a somewhat frazzled madwill finished the day with a curry from the freezer and several beers to wash  it down.

Not a happy bunny again...

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