The tree...

...and her child.

This entry posted itself before I had finished writing. So I will be writing more in the next few minutes...and tags...

I still had some Wedgewood blue and Ultramarine and White in the containers which were going to dry out (even though they are in sealed containers), because I am working right besides a radiator.

You can see the tools and brushes I used. I didn't like the cut up old credit card as much because they were too bendy. I much prefer the rigidness of the household paint/wallpaper scraper. I need some not so wide pieces of metal like this. I will find some in the bungalow somewhere.

This is my pic for my challenge I set myself which was a pic every day in 2017.

UPDATE...Looking at this a few minutes later I can see how to improve this painting. Ideas are in my head working themselves out, but I would need to start afresh with a new painting.

Next UPDATE a few hours has been pointed out that possibly the trees were too close in their touching...I agreed with that, because I did have them with a greater distance between the mother and child tree trying to reach each other. Then when I was about to take the first photo, I changed my mind and added a bit more branch to each. It muddied the issue with the two branches so close to each other. I painted out a bit of the mother tree's branch trying to reach the child tree, and rephotographed...and just re posted at 17:24!

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