
By Bigdreamer

Helping hands

Five days to spring Maddie announces on the way home from school, the days are finally getting a bit nicer today was almost nice a bit too windy but still ok.

I watch Maddie at school today it was her turn at the mystery box, which is a box they all take turns at, they have to put in an item from home for the other students to guess something they all love getting. Maddie was proudly standing up the front of the class asking people who had there hand up to have a guess, this little girl had grown so much in just a short amount of time she was all confidence and smiles amounst her friends, hard to believe she has come out of her shell so much!! I saw her struggling with hearing the children's voice at the back, but this didn't faze her see simply walked up to them to get a better position, I guess she has found her own way of dealing with not hearing properly all this time. In 7 days she will have an operation to drain the fluid and grommets put in that will lead to her hearing being back to normal, instead of only 40 percent in one ear and nothing in the other. I look forward to this poor little muffin!!

Here are the girls planting their seeds from the festival on the weekend. Miss lara wasn't to my great surprise happy about getting dirt all over her fingers so opted not to do it.!!! Amazing she is a child that is rarely clean and her she was not wanting her hands dirty. Maddie is a clean freak and jumped straight in!!! hmmm I can't figure them out sometimes.

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