
By Bigdreamer

When the cats away

Miss Lara handed out her party invitations today, she loved running up to all the kids in art playgroup and telling the children "it is my party, I'm having a fairy party' As the last of my girls I worried that she didn't have any friends of her own and that I was going to have to invite a mix of Maddies and Bailees to throw her a part, however over the last couple of weeks the art playgroup seem to have clicked and are all really stating to get along together and play well. I am so happy that she wanted all the kids from here to come, and she is so excited because her sisters don't know them... there are a few joint friends that fit in between all three girls age groups that always get invited and are seen by all three girls as all their friends!!! bound to happen when they are all so close.

Today I had told these two off for squabbling, and sent them to their room, I could hear laughter and music so I crept upstairs to see what was going on and this is what I walked in to, these to jumping on big sister Maddies bed and dancing to her music playing soo well together after being sent to their room for punishment for fighting. I couldn't help myself I smiled when I walked in and ran down stairs for my camera !!!
Yeah real goood punishment mum

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