
By Bigdreamer


Today I had some me time!!! actually tonight I had some me time. I finally got a well deserved hair cut and colour after 6months. I poured over a few magazines in the hairdresser, caught up on the news/ gossip, which is now most likely old news and had my cuppa tea hot and unspilled. I felt like a grown up, a newly fresh woman. As soon as I got home I raced up to see my sleepy babies,and inhailed their sweet scent, Miss Bailee was still half awake and told me my hair looked beautiful and smelt lovely, the went back to dozing. hmmmm still wouldn't swap it for anything!! I have an amzing life with my beautiful Babies.

Today was eventful, I helped mum buy some sheets for her spare bedrooms and left the girls home with their grandpa, when I got home dad told me Miss Bailee had stuck a crayon up her noise and it had to be retrieved with twisers, Miss Bailee didn't want anyone to know so he told us in secret.

Lara locked the bathroom door, and then closed it!! luckly she was on the outside with us not like previously where she had locked herself in!! but still it did create a problem no one could get in to the bathroom now.. Ben spent ages trying to unscrew the door handle but it wouldn't budge, I suggested as a joke to remove the create out of the bottom and push Bailee through to open it Ben she yeah that will work go and wake her up!! she was awake anyway from the noise going on down stairs. Bailee was all for it and happliy squwished through the hole and we were able to talk her through where the lock was found under the door knobe and the door opened again.

Yes it was a funny old kind of day!!!

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