Metrolink Hub and City Square

Mid morning I found myself in a room for a meeting, with an excellent view of St Peter's Square. Overall, the City Council has done a really good job here. It has to work as a transport hub, a major public space, and a historic asset, and i think it does all that pretty well.

The second city crossing route will be opening soon. This is already a busy metro-link hub, and it will become more so when the second route opens. 

To the right and in front of No 1 St Peter's Square an area is being laid out for planting. I debated with a colleague whether there would be a fountain. I recall seeing the plans a long time ago, but cannot remember the details. 

What I do recall is it took some squinting of the eyes on the plans to see the metro-link stop and the tramway poles and wires, which in reality are quite dominating features of this public space (the plans indicated a lot of greenery and landscaping). Plans need careful reading sometimes !

We also debated the merits or otherwise of No 2 St Peter's Square, Fred Done's office block which is under construction - the side of the new building is visible here to the right. I think No 1 (just out of sight) is excellent in design terms. I am less convinced about No 2.

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