Hello, I'm up here

I can imagine this to be an issue for ladies of a certain stature. Come to that, I know some men who might draw a second glance until the observer clocks that the ample cleavage they were staring at belongs to a face with stubble.

Booked flights to France fro May a little over a week ago. Received notice that they have been changed today. Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that they have moved the return flight into the week that Diana is back at school. We are left with no choice but to reduce a 9 day holiday down to a 5 day holiday to fit it into that week and the limited flight availability. Buggerations - not impressed.

The person I inadvertently pissed off at the weekend who will remain annonymous but lets call her Rosina is still pissed off. Hasn't spoken to me since Sunday and is showing no signs of relenting. Oh well, I can play this game for a very long time.  

Footnote: interesting to see how many more views this has compared to my average blip

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