One click at a time

By KeithKnight

August Challenge - Clock - The Sands of Time

Day 28 of Missymoos challenge - Clock: Take a photo of a time-telling device.

I've already blipped my living room clock 3 times in under 6 months, I wasn't going to do it again.

If this challenge had been at a weekend I would have paid a visit to the Henry Moore Foundation to get a shot of his sundial (thankfully recovered after being stolen) - I keep promising myself another visit there.

Not having easy access to any other sundials I set my mind working on what other time keeping devices were there that weren't clocks or watches. I pondered on a few digital forms - GPS/SatNavs which rely heavily on accurate timing to tell you where you are, other clocks where I was working (showing a variety of different time zones), but none were particularly photogenic.

So here is the 'egg-timer' style timer from my Boggle game, backlit by sunlight, close-up (macro plus extension tubes) and the near mono shot put into mono as there wasn't enough colour to be worth keeping it in colour.

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