Come into the Garden

By aprecious

More games...

I have more new games! I like being on holiday!

1. Borrowing other people's frisbees on the beach when mine is not being thrown (or when mine is thrown badly. Mentioning no names. Snotty!)
2. Asking other people if they'd like to share their sandwiches with me. And sausage rolls and Scotch eggs and crisps! (aprecious doesn't find this embarrassing at all)
3. Playing third man at cricket for other people even if they didn't ask.
4. Running up to other dogs on the beach and then running away as fast as I can.
5. Barking at and then trying to rescue aprecious from the sea.
6. Mistaking other people in those funny suits for aprecious and trying to rescue them from the sea.
7. Guarding the new house against intruders/tourist/dog walkers going to the disused mine up the road.
8. Jumping up and grabbing the leg of the funny suit when it is hanging off the washing line. (I especially like this game!)
9. Trying my very best not to fall asleep in the van in case I miss something. (This made aprecious and Snotty laugh a lot.)

Maud was up at 6:20am. Not perfect but a bit better.

We went to Bottalack & then the beach yesterday. Weather was lovely. Today looks least good, and then looks like sunshine til Monday. It's not boiling but I'd be rubbish in boiling.

It's a good job weather is pants because Snotty's phone went in the washer again necessitating a trip to Penzance for a new one. Funnily enough we did this last year too!!

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