
Is it just this cat or do all black cats look guilty?

I caught her again this morning feasting on Robbie's meal worms and suet, and it wasn't until I crouched down to her level that she ran away. Not long after I came back from my blip walk she was perched on Sandy's spot on top of the apple crusher. Is she top cat now?

Day 12 of the Mono Month challenge.

A message from Kangazu about the next Mono Monday theme.
"In honour of Valentine's Day and International Friendship Week, which starts on February 12, the theme for Monday February 13 is "Can't live without".
Your pictures are not limited to people ... they can be animal (including people!), vegetable or mineral ... the sky's the limit!
Please tag your entries MM160. If you don't tag your entries MM160 it makes it difficult to find everyone!"

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