An unusual congregation

As usual this morning I looked out of my study window on the world. I spent a few moments letting watching the birds both near and far. I saw a fluttering of wings of a familiar bird's distinctive and elusive flight into the hazel tree in a neighbour's back garden. We don't often see a jay visiting, probably because it tends to be a very private bird, although it does come to our feeders at irregular intervals.

I then saw a second bird flying into the same area and realised that they were a pair of jays, which I've not seen here before, but I'm delighted that they are around. I grabbed my camera and looked into the heart of the hazel tree and occasional saw some movement. I wasn't sure if they were still there.

Then one of the jays flew up the garden and I tried to follow its flight. I had to readjust and picked it up as it approached the bird feeders in the neighbour's back garden. I only managed this one shot as I was leaning out of my window at right angles and felt rather unstable. within seconds it flew off behind a fence and I didn't see either of the birds again. But I'm pleased they are around.

Late in the morning we headed of by car to Bristol to see Pip and Mary who got back from their three week holiday in Sri Lanka last week. It was so good to hear their exploits, see some photos and imagine being back there again. We had our trip there a year ago and I keep having wonderful memories of our experiences. I want to go there now.

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