Pink sky

I think it's been a nice day, apart from a little rain shower this afternoon, but I haven't ventured out as I'm on the needle felting again, making armatures and Hares.  The latest is at the request of a friend and is to be in memory of her lovely husband 'Roger' who died late last year.  The sartorial pipe-smoking 'Roger'  has been quite time consuming but I'm well on the way to finishing now, just got to find a miniature pipe, or even make a felt one and a cravat and smoking jacket perhaps?

Mr T drew my attention to the pretty sky this evening as it was full of 'Lenticular' clouds:   a glider pilot's dream, full of lift on a glider's leading edge .....   sadly though  he is very poorly with yet another dose of the lurgy,  so a day in bed was called for - do hope I don't get a repeat of it too ??

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