Fine Peerie Cakes

It's been a fine mild day, not much wind, some sunny spells but mostly overcast. 

I've been working all day in the office again.  I also had a meeting in town in the morning, all went well for a new project.  Met mam for lunch, and enjoyed a walk about town too.  Popped down to mam's this evening, and we've been going through old family photos, and ended up with a pile for scanning.  Later we nipped up to see Laura, and enjoyed a walk about Cunningsburgh.  Time for the sofa now :)

Me and mam enjoyed a fine walk about, looking at various locations and points of interest about Da Street, then it was time to pop for a cuppa.  Nothing better than a great peerie café to relax in.  Only one problem today, being on a diet, I couldn't have any of their excellent cakes!  Taken inside Fine Peerie Cakes, Commercial Street, Lerwick.  

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