I Wish!

Busy old day - started with a thorough clean of the coop as I am away for the next week. I dread to think what state the coop will be on my return - maybe I will be surprised and they will do more than they usually do - I wish!
Next was loading the car of all my stuff for recycling and the charity shop before an appointment with the Dental Hygienist. Whilst I was with her sister did her favourite round of material and charity shops! We then met up and did the usual farmers shop for chicken bits and the pet shop for locusts for Gunther and a collar for Milkshake! Final stop recycling! 
I saw this beautiful dress / display in the Children's Hospice shop where I gave a load of things - one woman bought the bag it was in as soon as she saw it and my sister said when she next went in all my stuff was on the shelves! I wish the dress was real as I so would have loved to have bought it! 
Friday I am off to Suffolk to meet up with my French Dweller friend - we are renting a cottage. Her father lives in suffolk so we will spend some time with him and I also intend to meet up with blipper Rosiecatwoman which i'm really looking forward to. I may blip once more before I leave but after that I'm not sure I will have WiFi and even if I do I doubt I will have the time to do more than a brief blip browse of Journals so please don't think me rude if I don't drop in on you for a while!  I may still be able to do that on my phone but I don't think I will use my phone to blip! I must admit the thought of being off line is quite appealing - my quest for simplicity continues! 

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