The Fascinators!

Meet the winning team in the Charity Golf Day today!!  No we didn't win the golf competition, however Chris, Ros, Louise and myself did win the prize for the "Best Dressed Team".  It was a very happy day at the Blackheath Golf Club and the event was run to support an old Squashie Buddy of mine, Bob Montgomery.  Bob is going to riding his bicycle from Darwin To Broome in May in his effort to raise funds for research into Motor Neurone Disease and Huntingtons Disease.  There was a wonderful spirit from start to finish and although we all had our ups and downs on the golf course we had a lot of laughs as well.  It was good to get back into the swing of things so to speak after a fairly long absence from the greens of late.  Our colour scheme for our team was aqua, just lucky I had this nice striped shirt in the wardrobe, not sure that the head gear is quite my style :-)

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