
This is the new kid on the block: an adorable 14 week old beagle puppy with the grown up name of Chester.
He belongs to a young couple who live in our building somewhere on a higher level that dictates bringing him downstairs into the clover field, masquerading as a lawn outside the Dower House, every so often for 'business' purposes.

Much as we love to see him and play with him when we pass by, it's beyond my ken why anyone would want a dog if they live upstairs in a flat; we have had a dog and know what that entails, perhaps they don't realise yet.

My 40 minutes of aerobic exercise this morning left me with just enough energy to totter along to the embalming home of old, to nurse a cappuccino while trying to ignore the table of cakes. I have to remember that unforgiving lycra look, or I might succumb.

On the way home I recognised someone I had last seen some 30+ years ago as a student in the halls of residence where we were wardens.
When I introduced myself, it was a trifle disappointing to find she had no idea who I was; I hadn't thought I had changed that much in the intervening years.

When she finally realised, she tactfully said my hair was different, not that I looked fatter and much older. Full marks to her for climbing out of that hole expertly.

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