Sooth Voxter

A cold day, gales have been blowing, wintery and rainy showers, but also some sunshine too.

I've had a busy day on the museum desk.  There was a steady flow of visitors, and we also had our Mootie Moose club on in the afternoon.  I also had a chance to work with some photo updates too.  Dad went back into hospital this afternoon, hopefully they'll keep him in until they find out what's wrong!  Me and mam went for a walk this evening, and then I'm off to work in the pub later.

I popped down the road earlier, unknown at the time that mam and dad had gone to the hospital again.  The sun had been in and out on my way down, even an odd shower.  The sun came out again, so time for a quick snap, and that was when I was passing South Voxter, Cunningsburgh.

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